The weather was thick. Creamy thick.
It seemed that you can actually grasp it, reach out with your hand and touch
it, roll it between your fingers, put it on your palm.
felt soft.
The ground covered with leaves, the forest moss, the lake, wet wood,
stones around the fire, black from smoke - looked like wrapped in
filled my lungs with heavy air. It sunk down in me and through me. I was
grounded to the surface. No more summer lightness. Heavy, rich,
mysterious autumn enveloped me, taking away careless long days. I felt
like these golden
leaves, shining brightly on the branches and shivering to fall within a
second in to the dark unknown. Last golden days. I fear the winter.
Therefore the last occasion to camp, to wonder around in the forest, to make fire, to sit and joke with friends. Even a last jump into the soft cold lake water! And of course, forest like scrambled egg, with a handful of smoke and a pinch of ashes.