Old house

I have something for old houses, cracking floor, smelly wood, old fashioned patterns, rusty keys, yellow paged books.
This house has been my home for a week. It is almost falling apart from the outside, but is reconstructed from inside (some people do things inverse). It stands on top of the hill and is blessed with beautiful sun rises and sunsets, chain of the mountains, forest and fields around. You never need curtains since there are no neighbours, tree leaves and sky decorate your windows.

Eat local - eat good.

  Cold carrot and melon soup with the drop of casis.
Mousse chocolate
Once again proven: local food restaurants - best restaurants.

I was lucky to stay in the farm of the cheese J-B NAVARON on top of the hill in my beloved Auvergne region. This farm has been making cheese for 15 years and has been supplying one of the best local restaurants with their fromage de chevre. Restaurant is known for fresh and local products bought as much as possible from local producers.

Šeivamedžio (Sambucus Nigra) žiedų limonadas

Man limonadas lygu vasara. Ypač šita vasara. Po nuravėtų burokų niekas geriau neatgaivins kaip kokio vieno laipsnio alkoholio šeivamedžio žiedų limonadas.
Taigi, prisikynę žiedų (apie 20 šiam receptui), padžioviname juos saulėje apie 4 val., kad prigertų vasaros karčio. Užpilame juos 15 litrų vandens ir 1100 gr. cukraus, išspaudžiame 3 cirinas ir atseikėjam 6 sriubos šaukštus balto acto. Viską sumaišom dideliam bidone ir uždarius palaikome saulėje 2 dienas. Po dviejų dienų per filtrą išpilstome į buteliu, palaikome keletą savaičių ir ragaujame. čin čin.

Sacré caramel

Here is a little recipe of ginger caramel cookies that i learned in the bakery during my wwoofing:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 cup sugar
1 stick cold butter, chopped
1 egg
1 teaspoon honey
3 tablespoons finely chopped candied ginger
20 wrapped hard caramels
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease baking sheets; line with parchment paper.
Process sifted dry ingredients with butter until mixture is crumbly; add egg, honey and ginger, process until ingredients com together. Knead on floured surface until smooth. Note, you may need to add a tablespoon or two of water to help the dough come together.
Roll rounded teaspoons of mixture into balls; flatten flightly. Place about 1 1/4 inches apart on baking sheets.
Bake 15-20 minutes.

Melt the sugar in the pot, slowly adding little by little until becomes brown liquid. Place the liquid on the baking paper to cool. When harden, smash it with the spoon and add on top of the cookies.
Heat the cookies again to make caramel melt on top.

Sacré caramel, I love you. 


It hasn't been long since I truly understood that life isn't just black and white. In the middle of the winter someone already pointed out this to me, but I was ready to lose my voice in arguing  the contrary "it is, either good or bad, there's nothing in between". However. Life was hard in winter: heavy blacks and burning whites. But now, perhaps because of the easiness of the summer, the millions and billions of colors and shades, perhaps the most because of the people that I met the heaviness of seeing life just in two colors faded away and opened new spaces. And these spaces are colored, oh, so colored.


In the circles of life we burn, burst and smolder. The bursts come when you are least prepared, when you think you grasped the balance, the tranquility. And then some kind of unknown energy comes and makes you explode.